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57 Year Old Marketing Strategy Takes Leads From Cold-Shoulder to Red-Hot FAST…

July 09, 20237 min read

57 Year Old Marketing Strategy Takes Leads From Cold-Shoulder to Red-Hot FAST?…

- by Scott Krech

When Folks Fold This Decades Old MASTER Strategy Into Existing Marketing Campaigns It Not Only Takes Leads From Cold to Sold — But They Often See INSTANT R.O.I. Improvements, More Cash Collected & A Sustained Growth in Revenue...

small business growth, business marketing, small business marketing

"How the 5 Levels of Awareness Can maximize Marketing R.O.I....

In today's competitive business landscape, generating leads and converting them into paying customers is essential for sustained growth...

However, we know not all leads are created equal.

To maximize marketing R.O.I. — it's critical to understand the different levels of customer awareness and tailor our strategies accordingly.

Today, we'll explore the 5 levels of customer awareness, their significance in our lead generation efforts and how to leverage them to attract red-hot, qualified leads.

Understanding the 5 Levels of Customer Awareness…

Level 1: Unaware

At this stage, potential customers have no knowledge or recognition of your business or the problem you solve. They're not actively seeking a solution and may not even realize they have a need.

Your goal here is to create awareness and grab their attention through targeted marketing campaigns, informative content, and engaging storytelling.

Level 2: Problem-Awareness

At the problem-awareness stage, customers realize they have a need or a problem but aren't familiar with potential solutions yet. They might be actively researching or seeking information to better understand their situation.

To capture their interest, focus on educational content that highlights the problem and positions your business as a reliable source of information.

Level 3: Solution-Awareness

Customers at the solution-awareness stage have identified potential solutions to their problem. They're actively comparing different options and evaluating which one best meets their needs.

Here, you need to showcase the unique value proposition of your product or service, differentiating it from competitors and positioning it as the ideal solution.

Level 4: Product-Awareness

Customers at the product-awareness stage are familiar with your product or service. They might have engaged with your content, visited your website, or interacted with your brand in some way.

At this stage, focus on building trust and providing in-depth information about your offering.

Testimonials, case studies, and product demonstrations can be powerful tools to persuade potential customers.

Level 5: Most Aware/Buyer-Awareness

At the buyer-awareness stage, customers are ready to make a purchase. They have evaluated different options, understand the benefits of your product or service, and are actively considering buying from you.

Your focus here is to provide clear calls-to-action, streamline the buying process, and offer incentives to encourage immediate action.

The Importance of Targeting Specific Customer Mindsets — Maximizing Conversion Rates

By understanding the different levels of customer awareness, you can tailor your marketing efforts to target specific mindsets.

This personalized approach increases the chances of converting leads into customers.

By speaking directly to their needs, concerns, and desires, you can establish a deeper connection and build trust, ultimately driving more sales.

Efficient Resource Allocation

Efficiently allocating your resources is crucial for optimizing your marketing budget.

By identifying where your target audience falls within the 5 levels of customer awareness, you can allocate your resources more effectively.

Instead of spreading your efforts too thin, you can focus on the stages that have the highest potential for conversion, saving both time and money.

Crafting Compelling Content for Each Stage/ Level of Awareness

To effectively engage customers at each level of awareness, you need to create tailored content that speaks directly to their needs.

Consider the following strategies…

Unawareness: Focus on creating awareness through eye-catching visuals, compelling storytelling, and educational content that highlights the benefits of your product or service.

Problem-Awareness: Provide informative content that addresses common pain points and demonstrates your expertise in solving the customer's problem.

Use case studies, statistics, and relatable stories to connect with potential customers.

Solution-Awareness: Highlight the unique features, advantages, and benefits of your solution.

Use comparison charts, testimonials, and demonstrations to showcase why your product or service is the best choice.

Product-Awareness: Build trust and credibility by sharing customer testimonials, success stories, and detailed product information.

Provide answers to frequently asked questions and address any concerns potential customers may have.

Most Aware/Buyer-Awareness: Create a sense of urgency by offering limited-time promotions, discounts, or bonuses.

Provide clear and compelling calls-to-action that encourage immediate action.

Understanding the 5 levels of customer awareness is a critical piece of the lead-generation puzzle because it helps create super-qualified leads more likely to convert into customers.

By tailoring marketing to target specific customer mindsets, and crafting compelling content, folks can attract and engage potential customers at each stage of the buyer's journey.

Implementing these strategies can optimize lead generation as well as maximize ROI.

Remember, effective lead generation goes beyond attracting a large number of leads.

It's about attracting the right leads — the ones who are most likely to convert into high value customers.

By understanding the 5 levels of customer awareness and by implementing targeted strategies, business owners can maximize their marketing efforts, and march towards sustainable revenue growth.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

How can folks identify which level of customer awareness their target audience is at?

Folks can identify the level of customer awareness by analyzing their behaviors, interactions, and engagement with their brand.

Look for signs of whether they are unaware, problem-aware, solution-aware, product-aware, or buyer-aware — based on their actions and responses to marketing campaigns.

Is it necessary to create separate content for each level of customer awareness?

Yes, creating tailored content for each level of customer awareness speaks to the specific needs and concerns of potential customers at each stage.

This helps build a stronger connection and guides potential customers towards making a purchase.

What is the benefit of understanding customer mindsets in lead generation?

Understanding customer mindsets allows folks to tailor their marketing efforts to specific needs and concerns at each stage of awareness.

By speaking directly to these mindsets, you can establish a deeper connection, build trust, and increase the likelihood of converting leads into customers.

How can marketing resources be efficiently allocated based on customer awareness levels?

By identifying where their target audience falls within the 5 levels of customer awareness, folks can allocate resources more effectively.

They should focus most of their efforts (and budget) on the stages that have the highest potential for conversion — saving time and money by targeting the most receptive audience.

Which should a business owner focus on — lead quality or driving a large number of leads?

In the lead gen game, lead quality is KING.

Quality leads are much more valuable than a large number of garbage leads.

The focus should ALWAYS be on attracting the right leads — the ones most likely to convert and become high paying customers/clients.

By targeting specific customer mindsets and tailoring strategies accordingly, businesses can generate highly-qualified leads that have a much higher potential for converting into a paying customer/client.

How can folks create a sense of urgency for buyers in the most aware stage?

To create a sense of urgency, offer limited-time promotions, discounts, or bonuses to incentivize immediate action/ commitment to purchase.

Use clear and compelling calls-to-action that encourage buyers to make a purchase decision quickly.

Highlight the benefits of the product or service and emphasize the value they will receive by acting promptly.

How can the effectiveness of lead generation be measured based on customer awareness levels?

Track key metrics such as conversion rates, engagement levels, and customer feedback to evaluate the effectiveness of lead generation/ marketing campaigns.

Analyze how leads progress through the different levels of awareness and monitor the conversion rates at each stage.

This data provides solid insights into the success of marketing strategies and will highlight areas for improvement.

Can the concept of customer awareness levels be applied to different marketing channels?


The concept of customer awareness levels is applicable to various marketing channels such as social media, email marketing, content marketing, and paid advertising.

Tailor the messaging, content, and strategies on each channel to align with the specific customer mindsets at different levels of awareness.

This ensures consistent and targeted communication across all channels.

Remember, understanding and speaking to the different levels of customer awareness is one of the biggest keys to generating highly-qualified leads, while driving sustainable growth for a service-based business.

Yours in success!

Scott Krech

Scott Krech

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Scott Krech

Scott Krech is a PAY-FOR-PERFORMANCE business marketing consultant (in Charlotte, NC) that ONLY wins when his CLIENTS win. Using common sense direct-response marketing and cutting edge marketing automation, he helps service-based business owners get more booked appointments, stabilize cash-flow, all while increasing the speed of cash collected. To reach out to Scott about his PAY-FOR-PERFORMANCE marketing consulting text the word —> Consult <— to 704.703.3760 now.

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11 min video shows...

How A Decking Contractor in Philly Uses A.I. & 'Speed-2-Lead' to BANISH Tire-Kickers...

...While Turning Inbound Leads Into MORE BOOKED Appointments & CLOSED Deals

We look forward to helping turn your inbound leads into MORE appointments & sales.

Make it a GREAT day!

-Scott Krech, CBW

(Chief Bottle Washer)

P.S. — Remember: The savvy business owners that win the 100 meter 'speed-to-lead' dash (i.e., who get back to their leads the fastest) get rewarded with the Lions-share of customers, revenue, & cash-flow.

In my Speed-2-Lead Infographic...

I show folks why 'Speed-2-Lead' (powered by A.I.), is the little-known, yet powerful shortcut that builds a HIGHLY COMPETITIVE, long-term business advantage, FAST — for those that choose to use it.

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