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These 14 POWERFUL Questions Took Coin Dealer From $3 Million to $192 Million in 11 Months... - Copy

October 21, 20238 min read

Coin Dealer Goes From $3 Million to $192 Million in 11 Months with These 14 POWERFUL Questions…

- by Scott Krech

Now You Too Can Use The EXACT Questions (below) To Easily Hand You More Sales in ANY Media By Speaking To Your Perfect Prospects DEEPEST Thoughts And Emotions….

small business growth, business marketing, small business marketing

"Security Rare Coin" Exploded from $3 Million to $192 Million in revenue in just 11 months...

These 14 Questions Took "Security Rare Coin" 3 Million to $192 Million in revenue in just 11 months...

II know it’s hard to believe, but what if I told you these 14 questions (the same ones you’re gonna learn in a minute) were used to flesh out the direct mail promotion that took "Security Rare Coin" from $3 Million to $192 Million in revenue in just 11 months.

It’s crazy, but it’s true.

Now imagine, you’re in the market to buy a home.

You walk into the local real estate office and the agent greets you with a warm welcome and seems to create a near instant connection with you.

She asks if you’re up to look at a few homes. You agree & go look at a few homes.

Surprisingly, within a few short days you seem to have selected and purchased the PERFECT home.

What’s crazy is you were just STARTING your search and didn’t plan to purchase for AT LEAST a few more months.

Now, what if the agent greased the slide towards a Lightning-Fast sale because she knew ALL your secrets? OK, well not ALL of them, LOL…but she knew:

  • Your deepest fears towards dealing with agents…

  • Your deepest fears towards buying a home…

  • Your life’s greatest desires…

  • The things you were most proud of…

  • Reasons why you wouldn’t choose to buy a home right away…

  • Your biggest sales objections…

  • And other EXTREMELY relevant info, etc.

Guess what? Armed with the info above, she appealed to your EVERY want, need, and desire = Fast, EASY sale…that you’re THANKFUL for. Cause’ she saved you a TON of wasted time & money!


Imagine how persuasive you & your team will be when we arm you with this little-known data about your PERFECT prospect? (NOTE: Please promise to ONLY wield this power for good, OK?)

Listen, if your service GENUINELY solves your PERFECT prospect’s challenges, aren’t you OBLIGATED to do EVERYTHING possible to ETHICALLY persuade as many people as you can?

Well to do THAT, you need their closely guarded secrets, their insider info.

To get it, you’ll have to talk with happy clients — just meet them for lunch, coffee, or on Zoom, etc.

If possible, take them to lunch to interview them. The happier ones will more readily agree to an hour-long interview, so “buying lunch” might be what seals the deal?

But I’ll let you work your magic there. As long as you get genuine answers to the questions below, well, that’s what we’re after.

These interview questions are EVERYTHING you need to know to attract your PERFECT Prospects & close MORE sales than you’ve EVER dreamed of. And I DON’T say that lightly.

Try to go for 2-5 answers for each question.

The *Example answers in following questionnaire were for a set of health supplements. With some creative thinking, you can apply the examples in the following questions to YOUR product or service.


1. What questions do/ did you have about a service like mine?

*Example: Is the product FDA approved?

When interested in a product or service, people ask questions about it. And that’s a GOOD thing. But when you answer them BEFORE they ever ask. This establishes you as a trusted advisor instead of just a slimy sales person trying to take advantage of them.

2. What are their top 3 immediate goals my service can help them achieve?

*Example: more energy, focus and concentration (brain supplements)

These are their IMMEDIATE goals, make sure to paint a vivid picture in their minds, telling them what their lives will be like after doing business with you.

3. What are the top three problems that are standing between them and their goals?

*Example: can’t choose, afraid of side effects and no access to ask a specialist doctor

These are their problems. They need reassurance from you that these problems can be solved. Educate them on their problems. If you can move them towards a result from you (BEFORE doing business with you), they will Love & follow you.

4. What objections might they have to purchasing (doing biz with) a service like mine?

*Example: They get enough nutrition from just eating healthy

By answering objections BEFORE they come up you eliminate any mental friction the prospect has to buying. When you eliminate friction, sales move FASTER.

5. What other options do they have to solve this challenge?

*Example: Pay a nutritionist thousands of dollars

If you have competitors, position YOUR service as the ONLY logical choice for your client by showing them the downsides of your competitor’s service.

6. What do they believe now about services like mine?

*Example: They’re like placebo and don’t really work

When you understand their beliefs, you’ll meet them where they are in their minds. INSTEAD of guessing. If your customer thinks your solution is a temporary Band-Aid instead of a long- term solution, how successful would you be at selling your product if you never addressed their belief about your product?

7. What do they need to believe about my service/ business in order to buy now?

*Example: Not getting the added nutrients in the supplement is why their minds aren’t functioning properly

What the prospect CURRENTLY believes about your service and what they NEED to believe about it, is the emotional bridge you NEED to help them cross, so they buy. This gives you a clear starting and ending point to guide your whole sale successfully.

8. What do they believe now about the challenges they’re trying to solve?

*Example: Their lack of energy can just be cured with energy drinks

Knowing WHAT they believe about their problem will help gauge how much evidence and proof you need to have in your sales messages.

9. What do they NEED TO BELIEVE about the challenge they’re trying to solve in order to buy now?

*Example: If they don’t start taking supplements their brain health will deteriorate at a rapid rate

This builds MASSIVE buy in and motivates them to avoid more pain by purchasing. People would much rather avoid a problem than gain something they desire.

10. What do they believe NOW about themselves as it relates to the goals my service can help them achieve?

*Example: If they have more focus they will be able to learn faster

Before you can sell the customer on buying your product, you must get them to BELIEVE in themselves first. Expressing ease of use/ transaction usually does that. Or even case studies on people in their same positions who were successful with the service. That means having GREAT video testimonials.

11. What do they NEED to believe about themselves as it relates to the goals my service can help them to achieve, in order to buy now?

*Example: Their brains need certain minerals and vitamins that will access more areas of their brains, so they can achieve more focus and results.

They need to be FULLY convinced that they can make the product WORK for themselves. Get testimonials from previous customers and use them as sales ammunition. Reread this again if you have to as it's slightly different than the previous question. It's the difference between emotionally getting them to BELIEVE in themselves and logically getting them to see that it will WORK for them.

12. What three common situations are they likely to be in with respect to the goal they’re looking to achieve?

*Example: They maintain energy and focus with energy drinks for some time but they eventually crash from high amounts of sugar and caffeine, supplements make them jittery and uneasy, the supplement has no immediate effect.

You can use this information to tell stories about people who were in the same situations as the prospect. This creates a strong sense of identity and belonging to the product in the customer’s mind. It gets them to say, “Hey that person is just like me, so I can probably get the same results”.

13. What are their past failings that have prevented them from realizing their dreams?

*Example: They’ve been duped by people promising similar results

By answering this question BEFORE it comes up, you’ll be able to explain how your product or service is different and how their experience won’t be the same as your competitors. This too, creates massive buy in.

14. What are their suspicions about the people they MUST deal with to solve their challenges, achieve their goals, get their questions answered, and pursue their dreams?

*Example: People selling overnight magic pills are liars and scammers

By knowing this you will know how NOT to make a pitch or present your product or service, which is just as important as knowing HOW TO present it.

PRO-TIP: Get more comfortable with customizing these questions/ potential answers by role playing this a few times with someone familiar with your industry before you do your first interview.

Yours in success!

Scott Krech

Scott Krech

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Scott Krech

Scott Krech is a PAY-FOR-PERFORMANCE business marketing consultant (in Charlotte, NC) that ONLY wins when his CLIENTS win. Using common sense direct-response marketing and cutting edge marketing automation, he helps service-based business owners get more booked appointments, stabilize cash-flow, all while increasing the speed of cash collected. To reach out to Scott about his PAY-FOR-PERFORMANCE marketing consulting text the word —> Consult <— to 704.703.3760 now.

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11 min video shows...

How A Decking Contractor in Philly Uses A.I. & 'Speed-2-Lead' to BANISH Tire-Kickers...

...While Turning Inbound Leads Into MORE BOOKED Appointments & CLOSED Deals

We look forward to helping turn your inbound leads into MORE appointments & sales.

Make it a GREAT day!

-Scott Krech, CBW

(Chief Bottle Washer)

P.S. — Remember: The savvy business owners that win the 100 meter 'speed-to-lead' dash (i.e., who get back to their leads the fastest) get rewarded with the Lions-share of customers, revenue, & cash-flow.

In my Speed-2-Lead Infographic...

I show folks why 'Speed-2-Lead' (powered by A.I.), is the little-known, yet powerful shortcut that builds a HIGHLY COMPETITIVE, long-term business advantage, FAST — for those that choose to use it.

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