small business marketing, business growth, get more customers, marketing automation

5 mins to MORE PROFITABLE Ads?

November 02, 20232 min read

Want to increase conversions, without pulling more hair out? You're just...

5 mins to MORE PROFITABLE Ads?…

- by Scott Krech

small business growth, business marketing, small business marketing

"The persuasion pen — the KEY to wealth creation in business?"...

5 mins to MORE PROFITABLE Ads?...

Most writers won't test this simple, yet powerful wallet fattening framework in their writing...

Not sure why...

Maybe they HATE $$$ (who knows)...

But if YOU use it (while you tap away at your keyboard)… MAY have a MUCH easier time gettin’ readers to gleefully stuff your wallet with cash.

Here’s what to do…

In your writing — when you're painting the BEFORE picture/ picking off the scabs, driving a wedge between where they are NOW & where they WANT to be (the hell, the pain points)...

ALWAYS choose to sit on THEIR side of the virtual picnic table (instead of the opposite side), making it your mission to NEVER make them wrong, while revealing their pain.


By using “they, them, they're, their” etc, INSTEAD of “you, you’re, yours”, etc (which places your reader directly in the picture).

See what I did in the 1st & 3rd lines, up there ^^^?

Truth is — it’s hard wired into our DNA…

Our minds naturally (and almost instantly) feel the pain of folks going through the same sucky things that make us want to punch holes in the walls.

But when you're closing the gap?

Fold folks into the heaven (the benefits your product/ service provides), and place them in THAT picture.

Just ALWAYS remember what we’re REALLY selling, ok?

We’re NOT selling a product or service.

We’re selling results in advance...

And those results?

Are what our prospects get AFTER we’ve delivered that product or service. For example...

If someone sells alarm systems? The result = Their client has more peace of mind...

If they’re a Realtor? The result = Their client has a HOME...

If they’re a copywriter? The result = Their clients' phone dings every few minutes w/ sales notifications:-)

To sum up…

To be a more persuasive writer and start effortlessly plopping folks onto the greased slide towards your opt-in forms, sales pages, order buttons & strategy calls?

Pencil others (“they, them, they're, their”) into the BEFORE picture when creating the hell, the pain, the gap...

And paint your prospects into the AFTER picture (the reward, benefits of the product/service) with “you, you’re, yours”.

Hope this helps — let me know how it goes!

In YOUR corner!

Scott Krech

Scott Krech

Service-based business owners are head-over-heels in love with A.I. — because A.I. hands them a bolt-on-system that...

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For more details watch our 10 min video here:

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Scott Krech

Scott Krech is a PAY-FOR-PERFORMANCE business marketing consultant (in Charlotte, NC) that ONLY wins when his CLIENTS win. Using common sense direct-response marketing and cutting edge marketing automation, he helps service-based business owners get more booked appointments, stabilize cash-flow, all while increasing the speed of cash collected. To reach out to Scott about his PAY-FOR-PERFORMANCE marketing consulting text the word —> Consult <— to 704.703.3760 now.

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11 min video shows...

How A Decking Contractor in Philly Uses A.I. & 'Speed-2-Lead' to BANISH Tire-Kickers...

...While Turning Inbound Leads Into MORE BOOKED Appointments & CLOSED Deals

We look forward to helping turn your inbound leads into MORE qualified, booked appointments & sales.

Make it a GREAT day!

-Scott Krech, CBW

(Chief Bottle Washer)

P.S. — Remember: The savvy business owners that win the 100 meter 'Speed-2-Lead' dash (i.e., the folks who get back to their leads the fastest) get rewarded with the Lions-share of customers, revenue, & market share.

In my Speed-2-Lead Infographic...

I show why 'Speed-2-Lead' (powered by A.I.) is the little-known, yet powerful, shortcut that builds a LONG-TERM business advantage, FAST—for the folks savvy enough to employ it.

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